Posted by Wayne Bretski in Food
I think this would be the first breakfast featured at the Stare; one of the features of working as a substitute means that you can be relieved of planned duties the night before and then have no one else call in. Which really sucks, because I had to pass up a two-day job (today and tomorrow) for a friend because I was already committed to last week's class which was supposed to go until today. Boo.
So I made breakfast for myself. A salad. Eggs, dressing, spinach.
Eggs:In the wok; oil thickened with salt and pepper. Cooked enough not to be dangerous, but with a runny yolk.
Dressing:A take on salade lyonnaise but light on the Dijon. About one tablespoon each of balsamic vinegar and Dijon mustard, three of olive oil, salt and ground peppercorn to taste. Once that was satisfactory, I chopped up a bunch of pine nuts and sprinkled the smaller bits into the dressing, rubbed some basil til crushed, and added a drop of white sugar as well.
A lovely bowl of spinach, chiffonaded, to be joined soon by friends.
I added some dried Montmorency cherries (hence the sugar in the dressing) and the rest of the pine nuts to the lettuce.
Topped with the eggs and drizzled with the dressing. Here's the tableau:
Thanks to Miss Bee's grandmother for the tea kettle. Miss Bee found the lovely coffee mug at a garage sale, and we purloined the silver tea set from the depths of our Dumpster. Okay, it was sitting outside the Dumpster, but it was going to the trash and it appears to have never been used, not even unwrapped.
Here's the rest:I enjoyed this breakfast with a large mug of rainforest coffee and the Monday crossword; these are recommended for maximum enjoyment.