Proxy Guest-Blogging: Mom's Frittata
Posted by Wayne Bretski in Beer, Food, Leslie
I asked my mother to guest-blog sometime, and she turned me down. But then she sent me a recipe via email, which I will post verbatim and add my own comments in red.
Over med. heat saute a leek until soft, then add garlic and 2 med. tomatoes (we used tomato paste). Saute a minute. Add a handful at a time of spinach allowing each batch to wilt slightly before adding more. That's one 5 oz pkg of spinach (who knows how much we used. About four handfuls). Reduce heat to med. low.Whick 4 eggs, and 4 egg whites (due to poor reading comprehension, we had four eggs whisked and ready, but no whites. We probably should have used two eggs and two whites, but we ended up with four eggs and two whites. Oops.), add pepper and salt. Pour into skillet, cook 8 min, or until bottom is set. If your skillet is ovenproof you can put it in the oven to bake 10 to 15 min. if not transfer to casserole dish. Sprinkle with parmesan (or Gruyere. Worked great.). Serve.
Thanks to Mama-san for the recipe, and for implicity allowing me to share it with, um, everyone.