URL explanation, and some music  

Posted by Wayne Bretski

Some of you might be wondering why the url for this blog is waswerebe. I originally called this space Am Is Are, a reference to the auxiliary, or "helper" verbs that you learn in sixth grade English class. My teacher told our class that if anyone graduated from high school and came back to her class and repeated them, she would take us to lunch or something. I never did it, but here you go Mrs. McDowell:

am is are was were be being been do does did has have had may might must can could shall should will would

But I decided I didn't like the title. After sending some people the link. So the url stays.

To make up for this waste of time and space, I have two songs off a Brian Eno and John Cale album from 1987 called Wrong Way Up. The first is the album opener, a classic swirling Eno production that always catches my fancy. The second is a tongue in cheek reference to my short time in Hawai'i, and also an extremely catchy song, if veery '80s.

Lay My Love
Been There, Done That

If anyone would like a copy of the whole album, or more highlights, drop me a line in the comments which go straight to my email in full. Also, I think that clicking the link automatically downloads the song in question. I am sorry about that, and I'm not sure how other bloggers have gotten a preview screen in DivShare. If I can't figure it out soon, I'll make the move over to ZShare so you can stream the song before actually wasting your hard drive space.


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