Coffee and Crosswords
Posted by Wayne Bretski in Crosswords
Put this under the heading of: Things I Like, Especially Together.
Monday crosswords = Easy. I finished the Times in under 9 minutes and the Sun in about 10:30.Not much to say about the Sun, most of the clues were fairly straightforward. The grid was in a 15x16 pattern today, which is unusual. The theme was "Look! Up In the Sky!", a reference to the Bird..Plane..Superman; theme answers are The Painted Bird, Snakes on a Plane, and Man and Superman. Astute observers may notice that the grid isn't filled, I guess I didn't bother finishing Male Duck = Drake and Travel Mag Recommendation = B and B.
Similarly quick work with the Times today, the theme was... oh, wait, there was no theme given. Seven answers point to the sport of bowling however. The only clue that stuck out in my mind was the answer Boatel for Seashore accommodations, which through me for a loop, especially when I put ASK instead of AOL for Yahoo! competitor. Also, I notice that I entered Octave in place of Octavo. Even though I didn't know what the heck an Octavo was, the On Notice cross made it an easy fill-in, I must have mistyped.
So that's that. Sometimes I get a case of the Mondays just doing the boring crossword puzzles. But there's always the work of getting the time down.