Hop Damn.
Posted by Wayne Bretski in Beer
Papago Brewing Company had a Stone Brewing party last night. After hitting the weights at LA Fitness we moseyed on over to take advantage of some rare beers, including Stone's Tenth Anniversary Ale, two vintages ('06 and '07) of their Double Bastard old (stock) ale, two vintages of their Old Guardian barleywine style ale, as well as this year's and last year's Russian Imperial Stout.
If you understood any of what I just wrote, then it's needless for me to say that I was excited.
Pictures: Miss Bee posing with the Tenth Anniversary, a bit of a holy grail for me. I had made a list when I worked at Beertopia of beers to keep an eye out for, and I had recently discovered that list. I thought to myself at the time that it was probably never going to happen, since they've since moved on to their thirteenth anniversary.I call this "Still Life with Jonagold Apple, Red Pen, Parmesan, and Stone's Tenth Anniversary Ale Served In a Goblet and Placed With Loving Care on a Bar Coaster". We did not win the raffle.
The Old Guardian. I probably could have used a bit more of the drink behind the beer in this picture.
Oops, wrong picture. We were right by a mirror but it was too dark with the flash off.
Here's the interior of the place:
Big success.