Posted by Wayne Bretski
Star cookies, blueberry muffins, and dinner
Posted by Wayne Bretski in Food
Baking!A lovely plate of butter cookies with Hershey's kisses.
Frying!These were spiced chickpeas (featuring turmeric) with wilted spinach. The recipe called for lots of coriander; we used none. Some onion and garlic with sun-dried tomatoes, served with rice and pita chips.
Dried blueberry-ricotta cheese muffins:They sort of came out like biscuits, which is perfectly fine. They taste wonderful!
I'm unclear as to why this photo is vertically oriented, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it, as we're listening to Eddie Izzard and he's funnier than I am perfectionist.
Let's Give This a Try
Posted by Wayne Bretski in Dogs
I don't know why I haven't used my Macintosh resources better before. Here's a Picasa Web Albums slideshow exported from iPhoto. Hopefully I like it better than the Google Presentations I tried a while back.
Ok, I like it fine. I will disable the Auto-play feature in the future. If you want to see them larger, click on the lower left where it says the album title in blue, or in the lower right click on the Picasa logo, and click on the blue album link that shows up. I think I'll use this more; it's easier to get a larger number of photos up quickly.
**Update 2**
Ok, now it's not working. Whatever. I'll figure something out in the future. Flickr???
Puppies! And other dogs.
Posted by Wayne Bretski in Dogs
Lots of cute little guys in the puppy and kitten room today.
This fat brindle pit bull got a lot of pictures taken of him.An onlooker:
Look at his tummy.
A silky gray pit bull mix.
One of the other volunteers said that this guy weighed three pounds:
Hiding under a cart:
To get a picture of this wiggle worm I had to hold it in one hand and shoot with the other.
An another of the gray boy.
A Staffordshire terrier.
Miss B. with a Welsh Corgi Pembroke mixed with Pit bull.
Fat boy.
Australian cattle dog/boxer mix was very playful but quite sad.
Another day with the dogs....
Brussels Sprouts and Purple Potatoes
Posted by Wayne Bretski in Food
Two quick meals and a link for good measure.
The first was a big hit, we just chopped up some new potatoes and stir-fried them with the normal goodies and added spinach.
Served over quinoa, a starch known as the Mother Grain, and a with some grated Gruyere over the top.
And tonight, we boiled Brussels sprouts, rolled them about in some oil with salt, and broiled for a few minutes until crispy. Served over re-heated quinoa with melted Gruyere, dressed with some salt and pepper. They were really good, and will be made again.
Finally, today I stumbled across a post on a blog called Zen Habits, that is talking about changing one's diet. I alluded to my efforts last fall as far as changing what I ate, and I think he has some good things to say about it. I definitely agree with him when he says to go slowly: I cut meat from my diet very abruptly and was plagued by headaches and feeling a bit weak at times, for about three weeks or a month. It was also 110 degrees every day...but go check out his 12-step program to eat healthy.
Hop Damn.
Posted by Wayne Bretski in Beer
Papago Brewing Company had a Stone Brewing party last night. After hitting the weights at LA Fitness we moseyed on over to take advantage of some rare beers, including Stone's Tenth Anniversary Ale, two vintages ('06 and '07) of their Double Bastard old (stock) ale, two vintages of their Old Guardian barleywine style ale, as well as this year's and last year's Russian Imperial Stout.
If you understood any of what I just wrote, then it's needless for me to say that I was excited.
Pictures: Miss Bee posing with the Tenth Anniversary, a bit of a holy grail for me. I had made a list when I worked at Beertopia of beers to keep an eye out for, and I had recently discovered that list. I thought to myself at the time that it was probably never going to happen, since they've since moved on to their thirteenth anniversary.I call this "Still Life with Jonagold Apple, Red Pen, Parmesan, and Stone's Tenth Anniversary Ale Served In a Goblet and Placed With Loving Care on a Bar Coaster". We did not win the raffle.
The Old Guardian. I probably could have used a bit more of the drink behind the beer in this picture.
Oops, wrong picture. We were right by a mirror but it was too dark with the flash off.
Here's the interior of the place:
Big success.
Creative Photographs
Posted by Wayne Bretski in Education, Food, Leslie
I couldn't think of any unifying theme for this one, just a bunch of photos clogging up the old hard drive space. (Not really, as they're very small.)
Meet Ismail Iman. He's one of the students I work with in the self-contained autism class.This is the potato and baby bello mushroom flatbread my mom and I made when the parents visited:
Here's Miss B.'s class with me and another student of mine, Alfred.
This is a silly photo, for the record.Here's a meal. Not sure what it is.
Rochefort 8. I had the 10 a couple months ago, didn't think to photograph it. Messing around with the settings on the new camera.
Here's what a new Hummer looks like parked in our apartment complex's spaces.
Me at a bags tournament, known as "cornhole" 'round these parts. Thanks to Leslie for the hat and the consignment shop for the sweater.
Macayo's Mexican cantina. Playing around with the color settings again.
This one isolates the yellows.Let's see that again in red.
And the Macro setting.
A pitcher of margaritas is too much for us.
But nonetheless, down it must go.
Sorry, More Politics: Dems Diss NAFTA
Posted by Wayne Bretski
From Greg Mankiw. Dr. Mankiw was an advisor to President Bush, was lead economist for Mitt Romney, and wrote the first macroeconomics text that I read.
Mainstream economic theory would, broadly speaking, be pro-free trade, and since I of course believe that the world would be better off everyone in positions of power were at minimum armchair economists, this makes me sad.
Both candidates in the Democratic primary have turned their backs on one of Bill Clinton's major accomplishments.
First, here is Barack Obama speaking of his opponent Hillary Clinton:"Her supporting NAFTA didn't give jobs to the American people."Hillary's defense:"I was not in the Senate at the time. I did not have a vote. I find his argument to be quite tortured. I have been a vocal critic of NAFTA starting in my campaign for the Senate in 1999."
Crossword Drawings
Posted by Wayne Bretski in Art, Crosswords
From Emily Jo Cureton. This is one of my favorites. The link is to her website with all of her projects, including the Daily Crossword picture.
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