Chickpea Vindaloo and Lassi
Posted by Wayne Bretski in Food
Another sort of two for one deal today. I've been lazy about uploading photos from the camera so sometimes old meals just kind of sit there. Miss B. made this chickpea vindaloo Friday night, found on the internet.The basic idea is garbanzo beans, peeled potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers, and several different spices (cumin, turmeric, bay leaf, and a cinnamon stick). You can also see some yogurt cheese on the spoon, plain Greek style yogurt is in there as well.
Served with vegetable rice from our gracious Las Vegas hostess.
We also had a couple of beverages with our dinner; one was lassi, a traditional cold Indian drink (that I thought might help cool my tongue), the other was a Pacific Northwest IPA, whose citric and pine aromatics generally complement and lift spicy Indian food off the palate.The lassi (yogurt thinned with water and sweetened with sugar and honey) did the job just fine; the beer (Full Sail IPA) was too peppery, with not enough bright hopping. Generally too British. Oh well.
Here's the poster from Miss B.'s room that gave me the idea.
Finally, here's the two for one part: spinach and basil lasagna we made sometime last week. Pretty straightforward: ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese, and freshly grated Parmesan, along with fresh basil and plenty of spinach. The red sauce was pretty straight ahead too.The recipe was from Andrea's Recipes blog. Frankly, hers looks way better. But ours was good.