Things Organized Neatly
Posted by Wayne Bretski
*In between writing the rest of this post and posting it, a week or so passed. We are now done with The Wire.*
Michael Johansson's brain seems to work like mine. I love how the "puzzle" comes together like that. Have a few more look-sees at his website. Hat tip to the newest winner of my Subscribe to RSS Feed award: Things Organized Neatly.
Please note the new share buttons at the bottom of these posts. While they exist for no discernible purpose, as this blog is in a state of disrepair from which I can only hope that it will recover, they are in fact there and may be used for sharing this post with your "friends". Social media and all that.
Almost done with the 5th season of The Wire, almost done with my Master's.
I found a couple of pictures of my own things organized neatly, including our Macintosh computers:
And my old classroom:
Perhaps soon I'll take a picture of my new room. My desk is much cleaner - less cluttered, anyways.